Contact Us

Fast, No Hassle Solution to Party Planning

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You’ll find lots of information on our website, but sometimes we understand it’s easier just to talk to someone. Call our friendly team on 01992 655 580 to be pointed in the right direction.

Want to book a weekend event?
Contact our team on WhatsApp
or call 01992 655 580

Already booked your event?

Take a look at our FAQ page which will hopefully answer any questions you may have.

And if you still have questions?
or call 01992 655 580

Suppliers interested in working with us?
01992 655 580

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
If you are currently on a weekend then all event contact numbers are on your weekend itinerary

Head Office Address

Freedom Weekends Ltd
M25 Business Centre
121 Brooker Road
Waltham Abbey
Essex EN9 1JH

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Party Ideas Made Easy

Stag & Hen and Birthday Party Ideas

01992 655580

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